The Value of Sharing Your Life Stories

There can be no greater gift to the future generations of your family than the story of your life

Roy Moed

Roy Moed

Founder & CEO – LifeBook Memoirs

26/10/2023 @ 20:11:19

At LifeBook Memoirs, we have helped hundreds of people to share the stories of their lives. In a single day, we might be transported from a nervous first date to a high-tech laboratory and end up aboard a minesweeper as a Navy veteran finally returns home. However diverse and varied these stories are, all LifeBook Memoirs authors have one thing in common – they are always glad that they took the time to get their life story down in print.

The value of sharing your life story can show up in surprising ways. One frequently unexpected benefit of sharing a life story is the strong rapport that often forms between author and interviewer – it’s not uncommon for them to emerge from the interviewing process as firm friends. We recall one memorable author who would have a glass of wine with his interviewer after each interview!

A unique journey

During interviews, authors often recall significant stories and meaningful moments they had long forgotten or find it interesting to approach familiar tales from new angles. The experience can be therapeutic and stimulating, both mentally and intellectually. One particularly lovely author commented that the process of sharing her stories had kept her brain spinning!

Putting a life story down in print also provides an opportunity to share with loved ones those stories and thoughts which can be difficult to say in person. We frequently hear wonderful stories of authors whose books have strengthened the most important relationships in their lives.

Once the process of turning memories into a finished book is complete, the real value of writing an autobiography becomes apparent. Our books are professionally bound and printed on paper of the highest quality, and our authors are immensely satisfied with the final product. Seeing their life story in print, produced and bound to such a standard, is often a source of real pride. One memorable author told us that seeing his printed autobiography had helped him to regain a sense of fulfilment in the accomplishments of his life.


The gift of a lifetime

Of course, a finished autobiography isn’t there to be enjoyed only by its author. Books make the perfect gift, as we all know, and our authors often distribute their completed books far and wide to family members and friends. Our autobiographies surprise and delight their readers, who tend to discover things about their loved one that they would never have otherwise known.

The value of sharing your life story in an autobiography can persist long after they are first written. A completed LifeBook might sit on a shelf for years or even decades, only to be picked up and enjoyed on one rainy Sunday evening. The grandchildren and great-grandchildren of our authors might be too young (or too distracted!) to fully appreciate a memoir now, but years into the future, they might be far hungrier to learn the details and lessons of their grandparents’ lives.

Writing an autobiography is not only a hugely rewarding task in the present; it leaves an enduring legacy that will persist long into the future.

Children Books

An exclusive offer for Keylu members

LifeBook Memoirs is a world-leading private autobiography and memoir service and a proud partner of Keylu with whom we share a lot of the same ideology and values. As a Keylu member, you will receive an exclusive £500 off any LifeBook Memoirs package. Even more reason to capture your life stories in your own Autobiography.

Call one of the experts at LifeBook Memoirs today on 0330 818 7427 or click the button below to find out more.

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